Higher Paying Jobs Through Research And Education To Overcome Scientific, Technological, Educational, Economic And Social Barriers In Order To Enable New Manufacturing Capabilities That Do Not Exist Today To Reinvigorate The Creation Of Such Higher Paying Jobs.
Given that the nation is lacking workers who can adapt to new occupational careers emerging in our high performance industrial workplace Mr. Chukwu has been providing job training skills to high school dropouts, adults without high school diploma, professionals in the process of changing job in Computer, management, Engineering Manufacturing and Engineering Design/Analysis modules. These trainees when successfully completed their trainings are usual hired by Community-based businesses/service providers to help them grow and expand their businesses or services.
- Re-create wealth through, the creation of higher paying jobs. Not, just talk.
- How do we create higher paying jobs? Through bringing new products into the global marketplace.
- How do we bring new products into the global marketplace? Through scientific and technological research and development targeted at safer environmental products and jobs
Technology is our economic engine because it improves our quality of life”
–Raymond L. Chukwu –
With the understanding that our current economic infrastructure is not favorable for businesses in the country Mr. Chukwu plans to develop strategies that will encourage companies to stay here instead of leaving at an alarming rate which continued to contribute to our unemployment rate. As Honorary State Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee Business Advisory Council, one of Mr. Chukwu’s priorities would be to reduce this unemployment rate by launching Economic Summit with CEO’s of major corporations and small businesses alike to seek their inputs on how to cut the red tape that has been an obstacle for them to grow and operate their businesses. Mr. Chukwu intends to create conducive business environment for companies to stay here and create more jobs. Most of these anticipated jobs will undoubtedly require highly skilled workforce due to the speed at which technology will evolve in this century thus creating enormous opportunities for most of us to change jobs 4 to 5 times in our lifetime. There is a need therefore to elect Mr. Chukwu as our next President of the United States so that he will continue with his occupational job-training programs in various occupations to prepare our workforce with diversified skills needed to compete in the 21st century economy. Such efforts will also be invaluable for our businesses to reduce their dependence on skilled foreign professionals permitted to work in the United States on a temporary basis under the H-1B visa program.
- Identify strategies to discourage companies from leaving at an alarming rate
- Define methods to reduce loss of jobs by skilled high-tech workers
- Develop Strategy to re-absorb these workers
- Encourage investment on occupational job training programs